Saturday, 17 November 2012

What Type of Foods to Eat for Healthy Hair

So awhile ago I posted a tip on eating healthy to help maintain healthy hair but there are specific foods that can help with your hair in different ways, so here's some ideas!

The following foods have a lot of Omega-3 in them so they help keep hair, nails and skin healthier. You should try and have some of these food everyday.
-Salmon, tuna, mackeral and other fatty fish
-Flax seed oil
-Walnuts, almonds, milk

Vitamins B-6, B-12 and folic acids are important for your hair. Taking multivitamins helps get more of these nutrients but the following foods have lots of these vitamins and are good to add to your diet
-Vitamin B-6: bananas, potatoes and spinach
-Vitamin B-12: meat, poultry, fish and dairy products
-Folic acid: citrus fruits, tomatoes, whole grain, fortified grain products, beans and lentils

So those are the main ones. I hope this gave you some ideas or helped inform you a bit more on foods for healthy hair!
Questions, comments or suggestions? Feel free to e-mail me!

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