Monday, 24 December 2012

Tip 16 and 17: Break Bad Habits and Avoid Rain

These will be very short tips, so I put them together. First I apologize for my lack of blogging- December is a little crazy for me. But I'm back.
First of all for breaking bad habits you may be thinking, eating junk food, using heat on your hair, brushing it when it's wet- well yes those are all bad habits you should break in order to keep your hair healthier. But I'm talking about a specific habit, which may seem rather weird to some of you. And that is sucking or chewing on your hair. Weird, I know. But if you have this problem I would suggest stopping. Sucking or chewing on your hair can actually cause split ends! So just a heads up if you're a hair chewer- DON'T DO IT!

The next tip is also pretty straight forward as well. As much fun as running or dancing in the rain can be it can actually make your hair greasy! So if you're on your way somewhere, or already are somewhere, where you don't want greasy hair and may not get the chance to wash it, avoid running around in the rain!


Sunday, 9 December 2012

Oily/Greasy Hair Solution

So last weekend was the dry hair solution, today is the greasy or oily hair solution! So if you have this problem, keep on reading!
So this first idea, is slightly different than getting rid of grease for good. Use a dry shampoo. Doing this will absorb the grease already in your hair, and will make your hair less greasy that day, but it does not change how fast your hair will get greasy. So if you're just looking for something to spray in, in the morning to reduce the greasy look then try purchasing a dry shampoo. I like the Dove Dry Shampoo and TRESemme Volumizing Dry Shampoo is also pretty good. But that's just for my hair, so try out some different kind and see what works best for you! All you have to do is spray it into your greasy roots and sometimes rub it in a little if it gets a little white looking (generally not a problem for people with lighter hair). Another thing to consider if you don't want to use dry shampoo is baby powder. It will also absorb grease from your hair. The cons to using baby powder though are that it's harder to apply to your hair, you can either shake it straight onto your hair or brush it in, but it's rather difficult. Also it tends to make your hair a little staticy and can leave more white in your hair than dry shampoo will, again, not a problem for people will light or blonde hair.
So that being said let's look at ways that will actually help eliminate grease all together! Try purchasing a clarifying shampoo and rubbing your scalp vigorously. Often the problem is the oily build up at the roots of your hair that causes it to be more greasy so if you have a shampoo that is to clean really well the top fo your head, and if you scrub it into your roots well it will get rid of some, or all of the build up and your hair will take longer to get greasy.
Another thing that will really help is avoiding conditioning at your roots and scalp. Conditioner adds moisture to your hair and if your roots are generally getting greasy fast, you won't need any extra moisture there. So when usuing conditioner only condition the ends of your hair, that's where it's needed most!
Also to get rid of build up on your scalp, once a week use a scalp scrub. You can either buy one in the store, or make one using things you probably already have in your house. I'll post one idea below, however I have never had a need to use a scalp scrub, therefore it's just an idea from online and I haven't yet tried it so I couldn't tell you whether it worked well or not. But basically you just take the scrub and scrub it onto your scalp... pretty straight forward, right? I will post the link from where I go this recipe below. Here's a recipe:
Step 1
Combine 2 tbsp. brown sugar and 2 tbsp. finely ground oatmeal in a small bowl. Add 2 tbsp. hair conditioner to the mixture and knead the ingredients together with your hair
Step 2
Add 15 drops of the essential oil of your choice to the scrub mixture. Work the oil as evenly through the mixture as possible
Step 3
Shampoo the hair before beginning the scalp scrub if you have styling products such as gel or mousse or hairspray in it. If no styling products are in hair, wet the hair and scalp thoroughly.
Step 4
Get a few tablespoons of the scalp scrub mixture onto your fingers, but not all over the palms of the hands. Put your fingers on your scalp and begin to work the scrub into your scalp, using a circular motion.
Step 5
Add more of the scrub mixture, as needed. Continue to massage your scalp in a circular motion for a few minutes, until you have covered the entire scalp area.
Step 6
Rinse the scalp scrub from your hair, shampoo and conditioner as normal.

You could also just use your fingers to massage your scalp which can help loosen the build up but may not be quite as effective.
As much as you try to minimize the grease in your hair it's usually hereditary, meaning it runs in your family, so there's not a bunch you can do about it. But I hope you found this useful and will try out some of the ideas!
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions feel free to e-mail me: