These will be very short tips, so I put them together. First I apologize for my lack of blogging- December is a little crazy for me. But I'm back.
First of all for breaking bad habits you may be thinking, eating junk food, using heat on your hair, brushing it when it's wet- well yes those are all bad habits you should break in order to keep your hair healthier. But I'm talking about a specific habit, which may seem rather weird to some of you. And that is sucking or chewing on your hair. Weird, I know. But if you have this problem I would suggest stopping. Sucking or chewing on your hair can actually cause split ends! So just a heads up if you're a hair chewer- DON'T DO IT!
The next tip is also pretty straight forward as well. As much fun as running or dancing in the rain can be it can actually make your hair greasy! So if you're on your way somewhere, or already are somewhere, where you don't want greasy hair and may not get the chance to wash it, avoid running around in the rain!
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