Monday, 24 December 2012

Tip 16 and 17: Break Bad Habits and Avoid Rain

These will be very short tips, so I put them together. First I apologize for my lack of blogging- December is a little crazy for me. But I'm back.
First of all for breaking bad habits you may be thinking, eating junk food, using heat on your hair, brushing it when it's wet- well yes those are all bad habits you should break in order to keep your hair healthier. But I'm talking about a specific habit, which may seem rather weird to some of you. And that is sucking or chewing on your hair. Weird, I know. But if you have this problem I would suggest stopping. Sucking or chewing on your hair can actually cause split ends! So just a heads up if you're a hair chewer- DON'T DO IT!

The next tip is also pretty straight forward as well. As much fun as running or dancing in the rain can be it can actually make your hair greasy! So if you're on your way somewhere, or already are somewhere, where you don't want greasy hair and may not get the chance to wash it, avoid running around in the rain!


Sunday, 9 December 2012

Oily/Greasy Hair Solution

So last weekend was the dry hair solution, today is the greasy or oily hair solution! So if you have this problem, keep on reading!
So this first idea, is slightly different than getting rid of grease for good. Use a dry shampoo. Doing this will absorb the grease already in your hair, and will make your hair less greasy that day, but it does not change how fast your hair will get greasy. So if you're just looking for something to spray in, in the morning to reduce the greasy look then try purchasing a dry shampoo. I like the Dove Dry Shampoo and TRESemme Volumizing Dry Shampoo is also pretty good. But that's just for my hair, so try out some different kind and see what works best for you! All you have to do is spray it into your greasy roots and sometimes rub it in a little if it gets a little white looking (generally not a problem for people with lighter hair). Another thing to consider if you don't want to use dry shampoo is baby powder. It will also absorb grease from your hair. The cons to using baby powder though are that it's harder to apply to your hair, you can either shake it straight onto your hair or brush it in, but it's rather difficult. Also it tends to make your hair a little staticy and can leave more white in your hair than dry shampoo will, again, not a problem for people will light or blonde hair.
So that being said let's look at ways that will actually help eliminate grease all together! Try purchasing a clarifying shampoo and rubbing your scalp vigorously. Often the problem is the oily build up at the roots of your hair that causes it to be more greasy so if you have a shampoo that is to clean really well the top fo your head, and if you scrub it into your roots well it will get rid of some, or all of the build up and your hair will take longer to get greasy.
Another thing that will really help is avoiding conditioning at your roots and scalp. Conditioner adds moisture to your hair and if your roots are generally getting greasy fast, you won't need any extra moisture there. So when usuing conditioner only condition the ends of your hair, that's where it's needed most!
Also to get rid of build up on your scalp, once a week use a scalp scrub. You can either buy one in the store, or make one using things you probably already have in your house. I'll post one idea below, however I have never had a need to use a scalp scrub, therefore it's just an idea from online and I haven't yet tried it so I couldn't tell you whether it worked well or not. But basically you just take the scrub and scrub it onto your scalp... pretty straight forward, right? I will post the link from where I go this recipe below. Here's a recipe:
Step 1
Combine 2 tbsp. brown sugar and 2 tbsp. finely ground oatmeal in a small bowl. Add 2 tbsp. hair conditioner to the mixture and knead the ingredients together with your hair
Step 2
Add 15 drops of the essential oil of your choice to the scrub mixture. Work the oil as evenly through the mixture as possible
Step 3
Shampoo the hair before beginning the scalp scrub if you have styling products such as gel or mousse or hairspray in it. If no styling products are in hair, wet the hair and scalp thoroughly.
Step 4
Get a few tablespoons of the scalp scrub mixture onto your fingers, but not all over the palms of the hands. Put your fingers on your scalp and begin to work the scrub into your scalp, using a circular motion.
Step 5
Add more of the scrub mixture, as needed. Continue to massage your scalp in a circular motion for a few minutes, until you have covered the entire scalp area.
Step 6
Rinse the scalp scrub from your hair, shampoo and conditioner as normal.

You could also just use your fingers to massage your scalp which can help loosen the build up but may not be quite as effective.
As much as you try to minimize the grease in your hair it's usually hereditary, meaning it runs in your family, so there's not a bunch you can do about it. But I hope you found this useful and will try out some of the ideas!
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions feel free to e-mail me:

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Dry Hair Solution

Alright so a lot of people either struggle with dry hair or overly greasy hair. It's not uncommon and often questions are asked, begging for advice on how to prevent your hair from being this way or at least make it more manageable, so I would like to do a post on dry hair, and hopefully soon greasy hair. I'll give you the best advice that I can!
First of all what causes dry hair? Well there's not one 'right' answer, it can be brought on by dandruff, your diet, chemically processing your hair, or being in the sun too long. So those are things you want to watch out for by taking care of dandruff right away, keeping yourself on a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water, not bleaching or dying your hair and if so doing it as healthily as possible (see post on bleaching and dying hair) and using heat protectants while going out for a long day in the sun or using heat tools on your hair!
Now you know some of the ways you can prevent it, but what about those who already have dry hair? Well first of all, all the ideas listed above are still relevant in helping restore moisture in your hair but there's even more you can do for your dry hair.
Number one being, doing everything you can to make the rest of your body healthier through exercise, healthy diets, drinking plenty of water (8 cups a day) and trying not to get overly stressed. Next you do not want to be washing your hair every day, which could very likely be the cause of your dry hair. You want to wash it only every other day, even longer if you can without it looking too greasy. Washing it everyday will strip it of its natural oils making it dryer and dryer. Although the ends of your hair might be super dry at the ends you may feel like your hair gets greasy at the top so you need to wash it everyday, well try purchasing a dry shampoo to absorb grease so you can go longer without washing it, baby powder also works but tends to need to be blended in more that dry shampoo as it makes your hair white, which is generally not a problem for blondes.
Next I would suggest looking into the shampoos and conditioners that you buy. I would always encourage getting a moisturizing shampoo, whether your hair is dry or greasy, it's just simply the best for your hair. So always look for a shampoo that says something about moisture or moisturizing. Apply shampoo to just your scalp and roots and conditioner to mostly your ends. You can also look into buying a deep conditioner and using it once a week, applying it to your hair (but not scalp as it will generally get greasy easier) and then leaving it in for at least 5 minutes, longer is always better, then rinse it out. When rinsing out the deep
conditioner or normal conditioner start with warmish water (not hot water, you should never shower in hot water as heat is bad for your hair) the warm water will open up your hair cuticles and let the moisture from the conditioner in but then rinse with cool or cold water to close the hair cuticles and trap the moisture within.
Also look into buying a natural oil product for you hair such as coconut oil or olive oil. The product will generally say whether to apply it to wet, damp or dry hair and how much but I wouldn't apply it to scalp or roots because it's oil so it tends to be slightly greasy and could make your roots look greasy quicker. Another really great thing for your hair is hair masks! You may or may not have heard of them but they're extremely good for you hair and you shouldn't have to buy anything for it, generally the masks are mixed with things you would find in your house. You can see more on hair masks if you go to my blog post about it, there are different hair masks to try out there. I'm pretty sure it's just titled "hair masks".
And almost anything suggested for getting "healthy" hair on this blog should help with dry hair considering, dry hair is generally damaged and damaged hair is generally dry. So feel free to flip through the rest of the blog to get even more ideas!

I can make another post on this with more ideas if you guys would like that, feel free to e-mail me with comments, questions and suggestions at:
Thanks for reading,

Saturday, 17 November 2012

What Type of Foods to Eat for Healthy Hair

So awhile ago I posted a tip on eating healthy to help maintain healthy hair but there are specific foods that can help with your hair in different ways, so here's some ideas!

The following foods have a lot of Omega-3 in them so they help keep hair, nails and skin healthier. You should try and have some of these food everyday.
-Salmon, tuna, mackeral and other fatty fish
-Flax seed oil
-Walnuts, almonds, milk

Vitamins B-6, B-12 and folic acids are important for your hair. Taking multivitamins helps get more of these nutrients but the following foods have lots of these vitamins and are good to add to your diet
-Vitamin B-6: bananas, potatoes and spinach
-Vitamin B-12: meat, poultry, fish and dairy products
-Folic acid: citrus fruits, tomatoes, whole grain, fortified grain products, beans and lentils

So those are the main ones. I hope this gave you some ideas or helped inform you a bit more on foods for healthy hair!
Questions, comments or suggestions? Feel free to e-mail me!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Tip 15: Switch Your Shampoos and Conditioners

So you know when you find that one shampoo/conditioner that just is AMAZING and works MIRACLES in your hair and then a couple weeks later the effect kind of wears off. Maybe you've experienced that maybe not. But here's a tip for those of us who have. Alternate what kind of shampoo and conditioner you use, whether that be every other day or every other week it's good to switch things up so the 'wow' effect never wears off. You should try to find 2 shampoos/conditioners that work really well for your hair and alternate between them so your hair doesn't get too 'used to' just one kind.
That's the tip for today! Enjoy your evening, or whatever time of day it is right now where you live!


Sunday, 21 October 2012

October Favorites

So, often YouTubers have a 'favorites' video for each month. I'm not promising one for every single month but I will have one this month- a little early because otherwise I might forget or just not have time! This month I've purchased some really great products I would like to share with you, hope you enjoy.

This is a product my mother actually bought from I believe it was TJ Maxx although I'm not 100% sure when we were in the States. It's a Deep Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner for damaged hair by Giovanni. I've never heard of Giovanni before but my mom thought we should try it. Anyways I used it once and my hair was noticeably softer and more healthy looking, after ONE use. I was super impressed. I really do feel like it puts a lot more moisture into my hair than the previous shampoo and conditioner I used and would definitely recommend it if you have dry or damaged hair! I did not purchase this item myself so I'm not sure how much it costs.

The next product I've really been enjoying this month is my Chi Shine Infusion hair shine spray. Mostly I've been LOVING the smell, it's amazing. That's actually why I bought it. So not only is the product weightless and not only does it make my hair look shiny and polished without flyaways, it also provides protection against heat damage! Which is awesome! Although it says it will repair split ends, which is impossible I still love the product for it's other abilities. I would highly recommend purchasing this product if you're looking for a shine spray for your hair! I got it for about $8.00 but I believe it was on sale.

This product I believe I've blogged about before, I recently repurchased it because I ran out. It's my favorite heat protectant that I've had before and this month I've just been really especially enjoying it because with school on I've been using a bit more heat in my hair lately and I'm really thankful I have this heat protectant so I can be reducing the damage done. It smells AMAZING and works really well and instead of making hair sticky and gross it actually makes it softer I find! It's a really great product. I got this for about $5.00.

This is the last product on my October Favorites post. Aussie still continues to be my all time favorite hairspray brand! I haven't actually found an exact Aussie one that I prefer over other Aussie ones but anyways this is the one I have right now. I've really been loving it, after straightening my hair I just go ahead and spray some in and then brush through it and it doesn't even feel sticky after, but it holds my hair in place all day! And of course it smells great too! Approximately $4.00 dollars at Wal-Mart.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

Tip 14: Keeping Your Hair Safe From Chlorine

Alright so during the summer, what better way to cool off then jumping into a nice, clean pool? Even as the winter season approaches, indoor swimming pools can be just as much fun! But here's the problem, pools have a bunch of chlorine in them, and chlorine is not good for your hair, it can dry it out and do damage to it. But there are some steps you can take so that it reduces the amount of damage done to your hair.

1. Shower before going into the pool.
So often swimming pools will have a freshwater shower for you to use before entering the pool, so use it! It helps prepare your hair for the pool water. So you need to saturate your hair, by doing this is won't soak up the chlorine water in the pool,  it should keep your hair from getting dry and weak.
2. Rinse out your hair after swimming.
If chlorine stays in your hair for a long time it can damage your hair. If you wash it out right away there's less chance that it will dry out. So when you're done swimming just quickly rinse it out in a shower!
3. Take special care of your hair.
So after you swim, once you get home you should shampoo your hair with a moisturizing shampoo and leave your conditioner in for 3 minutes, to get moisture back in your hair. Do this the next couple of times that you wash your hair after swimming, if you don't already do it every night. Also once a week use a deep conditioner to really help your hair to not dry out. \
4. Leave conditioner in your hair.
Before entering the pool, shower then put conditioner in and don't rinse it out, just swim with it in. The coating should help protect your hair from the chlorine, but if you're swimming for a long period of time it may wash out, making it ineffective. 
5. Purchase a special shampoo.
There are shampoos out there made especially for people who spend a lot of time in the water. If you're a professional swimmer or just spend a lot of time at the pool you might want to consider purchasing one.
6. Swim Caps
Yes, they can be dorky. I get it, but if you feel your hair really needs it and you're comfortable with doing it, then you could use a swim cap to tuck your hair in so it doesn't even get wet, then getting chlorine in it really isn't an issue. Professional swimmers may use these anyways.

There you have it! Some tips on what you can do to protect your hair from chlorine damage. Hope it helped you or gave you some new ideas.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Tip 13: Don't Always Thin Your Hair

So if you have really thick hair, or pretty thick hair you may have discovered getting your hairdresser to thin it out is a great solution! I know I did! So lately I've been thinning my hair almost every I go to the hairdresser but lately it seems that my hair has gotten kinda thin on its own so yesterday when I was getting my hair trimmed the lady asked if I wanted it thinned and I said I didn't think I would do it this time and she brought to my attention something I didn't know. She told me that thinning my hair can actually make it weaker and damage it. You know the tool they use to thin it? Well it tends to be really hard on your hair, pulling it a lot and it can end up making your hair more prone to get split ends. So my hairdresser said if you're going to be thinning your hair try to only do it about every other time you get it cut to help keep it looking nice. So just take that into consideration when you next get your hair cut!

Monday, 24 September 2012

Tip 12: Drink Water and Eat Healthy

So this tip is rather straight forward. Like the title says, drink water and eat healthy, drinking water helps moisturize hair and skin. Eating healthy will also help your hair and skin. Your body is all connected somehow, if you are eating healthy, drinking healthy and getting enough exercise you should have a healthy weight, a clear face, healthy hair etc. I mean there are some exceptions and conditions but learning to eat and drink healthy is a great start to strengthening your hair. If you're noticing really dry hair then drinking 8 cups of water a day can help you get a bit more moisture in your hair. Also homemade hair masks are kind of linked to that because they're putting the nutrients in the foods directly on your hair instead of inside your body, then used by your body and then a bit is used towards your hair. I'll post a direct link to my hair mask blog post, so feel free to check that out. For further questions on specific foods you should eat for healthier hair just comment or e-mail me at and if you want me to make a post about it I can do that too.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Tip 11: Letting Your Hair Dry Naturally vs. Blow Drying

First and foremost, please do know that in the side poll at the blog, the 'light brow' is supposed to be 'light brown' as I'm sure you assumed. Sorry about that but because people have already voted I cannot change the spelling. So as you all already know if you've read my blog at all I am very against heat on hair and avoided it a bunch. But here's a question that I've seen come up a couple of times. This is the question. "What is more damaging, straightening or blow drying?" or "If I don't blow dry it I have to go over one piece of hair with a straightener more than once but if I do blow dry I don't have to straighten each piece more than once, which is better?". So here is my answer. Although I am no professional hair dresser or anything this is partly my opinion. I personally think that blow drying is a lot less damaging than straightening. Here's why, a blow dryer generally doesn't get as hot as a straightener would, so that's already a good thing, but that also depends what heat you have your straightener at. But also the heat is not being applied directly to your hair, I mean yes it's blowing heat on your hair directly but its not like a hot plate TOUCHING your hair. If that makes sense. Also if your blow dryer has a 'cool' setting be sure to use it. Because cool= less damaging than heat, as you probably already know. So in my opinion if blow drying your hair will reduce the amount of straightening you need to do, then you should do that. But before you blow dry your hair, although I believe it's less damaging you should still spray in a heat protectant, wait for it to dry and THEN blow dry your hair. Hope this answered your questions. If you have further questions regarding this subject or anything else about your hair, feel free to e-mail me at

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Tell Your Hair Dresser !!

So I'm not sure if this has happened to any of you but i hate it when I go to the hairdresser, get all my split ends cut off and then right when they're done they blow dryer my hair and then STRAIGHTEN IT. Even worse when they don't use a heat protectant! It literally makes me wanna cry. I paid for you to fix my hair. Not fix it and wreck it again 5 minutes later. So if your hair is really damaged be sure to inform your hair dresser on the problem. Tell her you would prefer she (or he) use a heat protectant or tell them if you don't want it straightened or styled at all. Try telling them before they start though because if they're already starting it can get kind of awkward. Also yeah your hairdresser can probably tell how damaged your hair is without you telling them but if you tell them they can make suggestions on what shampoos or conditioners to buy for your hair specifically. They're the experts! So don't be afraid to ask for advice from them or ask them not to style your hair after. Good luck!

Friday, 24 August 2012

No Heat Styles and Contacting Me.

So I didn't really want to make a post just about contacting me, but I'll start off this one by saying, if you have any questions or comments or suggestions for a tip, product review, no heat tutorial or anything you can e-mail me at I'll be sure to e-mail you back as soon as I can! Also I'll be away from the computer for the next 3 days so I won't have any new blog posts, but when I'm back I'll be sure to put a new post up for you guys! Now to the no heat styles!
We talked about how to curl hair without heat, well I posted links to YouTube video tutorials that I thought you all might find helpful but there's other stuff to do with your hair besides just curling or straightening it.

Style #1: The Messy Bun

There are many different ways to do a messy bun, because it's "messy". There are no right or wrong ways to do it, just do it how you like it. It's generally done by twisting all of your hair through a ponytail holder one time and on the second time pulling it only halfway through then wrapping it around a bunch of times. Maybe that didn't make a lot of sense but it doesn't necessarily have to because it's just a bun that's messy that YOU like.

Style #2: The Ever Famous Fishtail Braid

Though not everyone has mastered it (including myself) many thinks it's an easy way to do your hair in the morning, not to mention it's super cute! There are a bunch of tutorials on YouTube of how to fishtail braid your hair I'll post a link to a video I like down below. So it takes a bit of practice (or a lot in my case) but apparently once you get it it's a breeze. So have fun with it and try different variations of it- have fun with it!

Style #3: The Bow

There are different ways to do a bow in your hair, all very cute and chic. Most common ways are shown in the pictures above. Doing one bow with all your hair or one with a bit of your hair from both sides. Because pictures speak louder than words, I got tutorial pictures so I didn't have to try and explain this hairstyle because that would probably leave everyone very confused. So here's another hairstyle that doesn't involve heat. Good luck!

Style #4: The Unicorn Braid (or Rope Braid)

I recently discovered this type of 'braid' and it's SUPER easy and SUPER cute and unique. It mainly consists of twisting your hair, doesn't get much easier than that! People will be asking you how on earth you did it when it only took you 30 seconds! I'll post a tutorial video down below, again there are different ways to do this, you can do it across your bangs, do 2 on both sides of your hair, do 1 to the side. Anyway you want it basically! Have fun!

Style #5: Sock Bun!

Last but not least we have the sock bun! It's super easy and cute, as are all these hairstyles. I did this one a couple times and got a bunch of compliments, it's really great! Putting on a fun headband with it is cute too! I'll again just post a link to a tutorial as it's kind of hard to describe without a model. 

So I hope that this gave you some new ideas for how to do your hair without heat and I hope you have a lot of fun with them. Again if you have any comments, suggestions or questions e-mail me at
Thank you!
P.S. All picture are from Pinterest, I do not own them.

Tip 10: Use A Wide Tooth Comb

This tip is a pretty straight forward one, I'm not sure what to say about it. It's better to use a wide tooth comb in your hair than a paddle brush, especially in wet hair. A comb also makes it a lot harder to rip through your hair you almost HAVE to be carefuller. The 'teeth' and a wide tooth comb are farther apart so you're not ripping through all of your hair at once. It's just easier on your hair. So I suppose that's all for this tip. If you have any questions about it though, feel free to ask in the comment box below.

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Tip 9: The Malibu Treatment

Some of you may have heard of this- others may not have. But what a Malibu treatment is, is a special treatment done on your hair, which takes approximately an hour to strip your hair of damaging chemical build up. These chemicals include iron, chlorine and more. My water was hard for a long time when my water softener wasn't working and the iron in the water turned my blonde highlights ORANGE! It was a disaster so I got a Malibu to strip my hair of the unwanted chemicals turning my orange streaks back to blonde. If you go swimming lots or anything your hair will begin building up with harmful chemicals, so it's good to get this done every once and a while to keep your hair clean and get rid of unwanted rust.
You can get supplies to do something like a Malibu Treatment at home but it's generally done best at a salon. What's done is they put a gel like substance into your hair and leave it in while you sit under a hair dryer for about 50 minutes maybe more depending on how much your hair needs it and the thickness and length of your hair.
Stylists recommend getting a Malibu every 9 weeks approximately especially on colour treated hair.
So if you feel your hair is needing a bit of a pick-me-up, try it out, it's really good for your hair!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Battle of the Heat Protectants

I'll be coming to you guys with more healthy hair tips really soon. But for now I wanted to do a little bit of a different thing, kind of like my last post "Product Review". So many people have been asking what is a really good hair protectant or my favorite one. Let me start by saying ANY heat protectant is better than none and everyone has their own opinion, I'll just be sharing mine today.

So I only own 2 heat protectants for my hair, that being Guardian Angel and TRESemme Heat Tamer Spray.  Okay so I had never heard of a heat protectant since my friend introduced me to them. She used Guardian Angel by Got2b so naturally I did too. Once I learned more about heat protectants many were suggesting Chi, or TRESemme heat protectants. So I went for the TRESemme one. I was very happy with it, much happier than I was with the Guardian Angel. Here is why. The Guardian Angel left my hair feeling kind of sticky or like it had product in it, and I like my hair really soft and for it to feel like I put nothing in it. It wasn't like a BIG deal, it's not like it was super sticky and gross I just felt like it weighed down my hair a bit. With the TRESemme one it was a lot different, I felt like it actually made my hair softer than if I didn't use it. Another thing was the smell, I LOVE the TRESemme smell I think it smells so much better that Guardian Angel. Guardian Angel just has this really... interesting scent to it. I didn't mind it at first but for me it's gotten worse, I've started disliking the smell more and more. But the TRESemme smell just smells super fresh and healthy to me. That's how I would describe it. All in all I'd suggest using TRESemme Heat Tamer Spray, you can most likely get it at your local drugstore! And it's a good price too! Good luck!

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Product Review

Alright so in this post I'm just gonna be reviewing some of the hair products that I use or have used in the past to help you decide what you want to purchase or not.

Coconut Milk Anti-Breakage Serum by Organix

I have placed a picture of the product below so you know what to look for! Okay so this anti-breakage serum has proved to be very helpful in my hair. It says to put into towel dried hair but I often use the product on dry hair as well. It adds moisture to ends that look fried and I feel like it has really helped strengthen the ends of my hair when they're really damaged. I would recommend this product from my experience, also it smells great! 10/10

Aussie 3 Minute Miracle: Sydney Smooth, Smoothing Treatment

So everyone on YouTube was FREAKING OUT about this amazing 3 Minute Miracle stuff by Aussie that smelled amazing and worked amazing to make hair healthy. Many failed to mention it was 3 Minute Miracle MOIST Deeeep Conditioner. So I just went looking for 3 Minute Miracle, this is what I found so I bought it. I smelled it and thought it smelled horrible. But I figured, I bought this product, I'm gonna try it. So I did and I think it worked good on my hair. I wouldn't say it was a major miracle worker but I did feel like my hair was softer than it was with my last conditioner. And now the smell has grown on me and I actually really like it. So all in all I'd say it's a great conditioner- not amazing but great. I've found the smell you either love or hate, so smell it and see if it'll work for you. I'd give it an 8/10

Nexxus Pro Mend, Split End Binding Overnight Treatment Creme

So in my oblivious days when I didn't know that it was IMPOSSIBLE to mend my split ends I saw this and was like YES! So I bought it and was all excited. It said it mended 95% of split ends in one treatment (or something like that). So I used it and the next day, yeah my hair felt a bit nicer but I can assure you that not eve 50% of my split ends were 'mended'. I wouldn't recomment any product that says it'll mend your split ends although it's not necessarily always a negative thing, but they won't mend your split ends. So keep that in mind. I'll get this product a 4/10. (A couple points for slightly nicer hair)

That's all the products I'm reviewing today due to shortage of time. I can do some more another time if you'd like. Or if you have a product you want me to review for you I can see if I could do that for you. Also I'll put up another post soon on different heat protectants and which I prefer. So keep an eye out for that! Thank you for reading, hope I helped!

Tip 8: Don't Bleach Your Hair and Dye Carefully

As tempting as it may be to bleach your hair seeing all those bleach blondes running around getting all the attention, DON'T DO IT. Although "dying" is better than bleaching your hair dying can still cause damage. Bleaching can fry and destory your hair, even cause you to lose a lot of hair from the damage it does to your hair so avoid it at all costs, but if you're not going to listen, use other hair tips on this blog to keep it as healthy as possible!

If you're going to dye your hair here are some tips for a website (I'll post the link below) on how to do it well and cause the least amout of damage possible.
(I didn't come up with any of these suggestions, all credit goes to whoever wrote the article, I'm just passing on the ideas to all of you, in my own words!)

1. Choose a Gentle Hair Dye
Dying your hair will always damage your hair to some degree but some gentler dyes will be less damaging. Look for dyes that are hypoallergenic and conditioning.

2.Choose a Semi-Permanent Dye
A Semi-Permanent dye contains a lot less chemicals, obviously, as it doesn't permanently dye your hair. Although I understand some people want really long term dyes and then, obviously your not going to choose this. But as far as hair damage it will reduce it a lot.

3. Reduce The Amount of Heat You Use
As you already know heat on undyed hair is bad enough, apply heat to dyed hair and it will just make the damage from dying that much worse. So just try to avoid using heat on your hair even more than normal. Because it all adds up!

4. Wash Your Hair First
This will just make dying it a simpler process because dirty hair doesn't "absorb or retain" the colour that you want well. So you could end up with uneven hair colouring.

5. Colour a Single Strand First
Doing this will simply ensure that it's the colour that you want it to be, all dyes will look different on different hair. Also you may be able to see how much damage it's done. So if it's a trainwreck, don't dye the rest, if it works then go for it!

5 Tips to Prevent Damage When Dying Your Hair

Tip 7: Hair Masks

Although there are some great store bought products that can do amazing things for your hair, sometimes it's good to go a little more natural. There are many hair masks that can be put together by just using the supplies you already have in your house. One popular and amazing hair mask is the Olive Oil hair mask but all natural hair masks are good for your hair. So keep on the lookout for some. I'll post a couple recipes here, try one out, see if you like it! This link has 4 different hair masks to try for different reasons.
Excellent Homemade Hair Masks
Check them out, try them out and remember that they may seem gross when you put them in but all of it is super healthy for your hair!

Monday, 20 August 2012

No Heat Tutorials

This isn't exactly a tip it's simply suggestions on No Heat Hair Ideas. All these links are from YouTube. I have not come up with any of the hairstyles, they belong to whomever's video it is. Here they are! Some of these I've tried, some I haven't, just ideas.
Soft waves Overnight NO HEAT <-- When I do this in my hair the finishing product is a lot bigger curls
How To Get Taylor Swift's Curls Without Heat
(NO HEAT) Easy Everyday Beach Waves
There are a bunch of great ideas on YouTube so just search "No Heat Hairstyles"!

Tip 6: Avoid All Heat and Use Heat Protectant

If you can at all avoid applying heat to your hair- AVOID IT. If you blow dry your hair, DON'T or use the cool setting. Please, please, please do NOT straighten your hair! At least not every day, even every other day is better than every day! But try not to straighten it at all. Same goes for curling. If you ARE going to apply heat to your hair it is SO important to use a Heat Protectant. I would suggest TRESsemme Heat Tamer Spray, I liked it better than my first Heat Protectant Got2b's "Guardian Angel". But you can try whatever you would like. I think I got my TRESemme Heat Tamer Spray from Super Store for about $3.00 but I think normally it's about $6.00 (in Canada) not 100% sure though. Go check it out. Find a heat protectant that works for you! All you need to do is spray it from about the middle of your hair to the ends and wait a couple minutes for it to dry (wet hair+heat= SO MUCH DAMAGE. It will give you the opposite effect) once it's dry, style your hair like normal. I like to spray heat protectant in my hair even like right before I'm about to go out on a really hot day, maybe I'm just paranoid but I'm working really hard at repairing it!

Tip 5: Don't Wash Your Hair Every Day

If you haven't heard of this you're probably like, "Why not? My hair gets so dry I need to wash it every day!". Well the reason for the dryness may be that you wash it too often. If you wash your hair too often you strip it of it's natural moisturizers and then you become dependent on artificial moisturizers. So take a break, wash it every 2-3 days instead. If you feel like your hair gets greasy way too easily purchase a dry shampoo to spray in your roots, or if you don't want to purchase a dry shampoo then try putting baby powder on a brush and combing it through your roots. It works best in blonde or light hair but if you would like you can do it in dark hair you just need to work harder and blending it in. If you feel it's really too dry even after washing it every 2-3 days for a few weeks, try using a leave-in conditioner or a moisturizer. Coconut Oil or Coconut Milk is really good for your  hair and adds moisture and protein, but make sure to only apply it to the ends as it will easily make the roots greasy.
Good luck on fixing your hair!

Tip 4: Carry a Scissor and Use Cool Water

No, not so when you see someone with ugly hair you can cut it off (though it's tempting). It's so that if you find a split end in your hair you can quickly cut it before it can start traveling up your hair and drying it out. So whenever you spot a split end just quickly snip it off it keeps your hair looking flawless.
Keep in mind that any heat is bad for your hair. So that includes a really hot day, blow drying, showering in extreme heat. All that stuff. So when you're showering keep this in mind. I'm not suggesting you shower in freezing water. In fact it's good to use warm water before using shampoo or conditioner. So use warm water at the beginning of your shower to open up your hair cuticles. But once you're rinsing you might wanna turn the water cooler, because it helps close your cuticles and trap the moisture in your hair. So try to avoid putting your hair under steaming hot water!

Tip 3: Don't Brush Wet Hair

Again it's an extremely simple tip, making this an extremely short post. You hair is weakest when it's wet, so DON'T BRUSH IT WHEN IT'S WET. That includes right after you spray in heat protectant or any hair product. If your hair is wet, wait till it's dry to brush it. If you're like me and have curly hair you cannot possibly brush your hair when it's dry, it makes it puffy and ruins the curls, right? So our best bet is to brush it before your shower and be very gentle when you wash it so it doesn't tangle it too much. If you've succeeded then running your fingers through after your shower should be good. If after a shower you still feel the need to brush it make sure you're careful and patient with it and use the last tip- brushing it from the ends up!
Happy Hair Healing!

Tip 2: Be Gentle and Use Detangler

This is a pretty straight forward tip. Be gentle and use detangler. First of all a lot of us like to just rip through our hair when we brush it like it's not big deal. We're old enough that we don't scream at the pain and have learned to endure it so why not just make it quick and easy? Here's why, when you brush a whole tangle through your hair harshly it rips your hair so much, it's not even funny. It tears at your ends and destroys them completely. It literally ruins your hair. So when brushing your hair you always want to start at the ends and work your way up. That way it's not so hard on the ends of your hair. It's also way easier and hurts a lot less.
Also try using a detangler. I know some people may think it's for children who can't handle their hair being pulled at very hard but it's actually for everyone to reduce damage. In most cases the less it hurts your head, the less it's damaging your hair. But keep in mind that you want to wait for the detangler to try a bit otherwise you could get the opposite affect that you want. So spray in some detangler, wait a couple minutes for it to dry and work your way from the ends up!
Good luck on repairing your hair!

Tip 1: Cut Your Split Ends

Okay so recently I discovered that my hair was super damaged! Like I was lucky if I could find a hair that wasn't a split end so I began searching for ways to fix it. This blog is going to be all about products and home remedies that help strengthen your hair. But keep in mind split ends cannot be mended, so whenever I talk about healing your hair it's just strengthening it and making it 'better'.
Let's start off with the most important thing for getting healthy hair. Get it cut often enough. They say every 6-8 weeks it should be cut but if you feel like your hair needs to be cut sooner or if it can handle longer, it's really up to you just make sure that the ends are always fresh.
If your hair is already damaged and has split ends you'll want to get it cut as soon as possible! Because split ends will ravel up your hair, just think of yarn unraveling the 'split end' continues moving up the yarn just like the split ends in your hair will, so the sooner you cut it the better- you wouldn't want to end up having to shave your head or anything (unless that's your style). So don't procrastinate because you don't want to cut your hair shorter because the more you wait the shorter you'll have to cut it. Also hair stops growing after it gets to a certain point of damage, because it'll just break off. So if you want long hair it must be healthy. Don't forget that.
That's all for today's hair tip!